Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good morning everybody!
This week has been going great! Missionary work is amazing! Plus praying and fasting to change my attitude really does work wonders! The work truly hasn't picked up or anything, but life is just going so much better. I thank Heavenly Father for that and helping me to change. The weather has been simply delightful for the past week - all 60's and so much warmer than normal and perfect! We have been cleaning crazy the last week and our apartment is so clean! It looks like a home now to me! The only problem is that our sink managed to break last night. It doesn't drain at nearly the rate it used to and so it takes about a half hour to drain the sink instead of 5 seconds. We are going to try to buy some Drain-O today and see if that can help fix the problem. Other than that I have no idea what to do. Plumbing is definitely something I have never seen worked on before really at all. But we are actively praying that the sink will work soon and I have faith God can help us with that miracle. Last Saturday, we had another "zone activity" to avoid being out on Halloween night (or when it was celebrated here anyway). We got to see Forever Strong and How to Train Your Dragon. Forever Strong was good to watch again and How to Train Your Dragon was pretty funny. Also, I have been cooking a lot more lately. We inherited about 40ish pounds of frozen meat from a recent convert that moved away a few months ago. Plus I found out that we have a crockpot. So not we have pot roast, barbecue chicken, etc. It has been good and I have discovered my love of cooking again. Plus a very nice and kind member got me a blender at Walmart that other day and so now I am making smoothies again. They are delicious! Anyway, life is going great and I am as happy as can be.

What else is happening?

Oh! So cool spiritual experience this week. Tina Reese called us about getting a blessing for her son. We were in an appointment so didn't get the call and she didn't say much in her message but to call her back. We were already almost late to get in that night, but I said we needed to call her back because someone needed a blessing. So we pulled into a parking lot and kept calling her and her daughter until we got someone to pick up. Her son, Dylan, needed a blessing and she was wondering if we were still out so that we could give it right then. We replied we could be there in about 2 minutes and drove over. We got there and he asked me to seal the anointing and to give the blessing. I did so and giving the blessing was so had. It felt like something was blocking me and wouldn't let me say what I was supposed to say. It was exhausting to say a single word and took great effort. The thought came to my mind to cast out evil spirits and that was what was needed. I thought I was going crazy and just imagining things so I ignored and kept struggling to give a blessing. Again the thought came to my mind to say that in the blessing and again I ignored it. It was getting really hard to say any words now and it truly was a tremendous struggle and effort. The third time the thought came and I decided it was time to stop ignoring it and to say what I was being prompted to say. Instantly, the entire house and atmosphere brightened up and the Spirit was so pronounced it was overpowering. The words just started to flow from my lips prompted by the Spirit and all the struggle and exhaustion was gone. All was filled with hope and happiness and the brightness the Spirit brings. The absolute change that happened in that one second was astounding. It really strengthened my testimony of how strong the Spirit really is and how powerful the power of the priesthood is and blessings can be. Also, was eye opening to me to actually experience the powers of Satan and that wasn't easy. But God is so much stronger and so much better. It was an amazing experiece and one that I will always remember.

We picked up a new investigator this week. His name is Ben Boss, he is 9. He already knows everything and has been going to chruch actively for the past few months. We are planning on getting him baptized in about 2ish weeks which would be really good. We are excited about him and for him. We are still actively searching for more people to teach though!

Well, time is running short. But I love you all! I appreciate all the letters and support you all give me and how much it helps me!
Elder Hughes

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