Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Good morning everybody!
Well, it has been snowing on and off the past week and the temperatures have been heading steadily downwards. And I have discovered the miracle of thermals! The ones that were supposed to be for Mongolia, I now wear every time it snows or is freezing and they work like a charm. It makes doing the work much better and I actually am finding the cold to not be so bad anymore. Wool socks definitely help a lot as well in that direction. The mountains have now all gone back to the way I like them the best - covered in white. The snow in the valley really hasn't stuck at all yet, but that is supposed to change before Thanksgiving so it cannot be that long. Also, we finally managed to get our windows clean! Riverton water has two systems - a primary and a secondary. The primary is the one inside the house that you use for bathing and washing dishes and stuff. It is also supposed to be used for drinking but I don't know of anyone at all that actually drinks it - it is the hardest water on earth. They measure the particles at 37, when 7 is already a high measurement for hard water. The secondary water is free and is used for irrigation, sprinkler systems, etc. It is NOT for drinking or bathing whatsoever. Our neighbor that happens to live in the other half of our duplex happened to aim the sprinklers at the windows and so they were so heavily stained that you couldn't see through them. One of our bishops told us about the miracle of Lime Away! though and we tried it out yesterday. We had to wear gloves and long sleeves and glasses so that it didn't get any of the particles of it on us but it cleaned the windows right off! It was amazing! We can actually see outside now! Who knew that could be so awesome?!?
Anyway, the last week has been going really great and the Lord has really blessed us in the work. I don't know what happened for a transfer or two there but now the area is getting back up to where it needs to be and where it should be. Oh interesting thing that I learned at the Draper Mountain Point Stake Conference the past week. President Morgan talked about "building a boat." He reviewed the story where Nephi, Laman, Lemuel and the gang got to the ocean after travelilng through the Judean wilderness for so long. They called that land Bountiful because of all the materials and fruits and foods that were provided there for them. However, when the Lord called Nephi to go and build a boat and move on, he immediately asked - "Where shall I go to find ore that I might molten tools?" He was happy where they were at, but knew the Lord had so much more in store for them. Laman and Lemuel had no desire to move on and were content where they were at, didn't see any need for change and didn't trust that God would give them more. His talk was about that we all have "boats" to build in our own lives. God never expects us to be content but to keep improving and changing for the better. We have to have the faith that when God calls us to leave our normal rituals for life that there is so much more in store for us. It isn't worth remaining content where we are at, we need to have faith to take the next step and build a boat. I really liked that talk and have been using that with all the people we are teaching to tell them it is time to change and take that step. All of them have agreed and I have to say President Morgan was very inspired and it has been great!

Tina Reese is solidly on date for November 21 with her family! Bishop Bartholomew went over last night and used his priesthood keys as bishop to challenge Tina for that date, plan out her baptism, and give her a priesthood blessing. She readily accepted and is excited for that date now and so are her kids! It is a miracle and a true answer to our prayers. We got the idea from presdient last time in interviews and then he came and shared that idea again at our stake leadership training. Bishop Bartholomew readily accepted the challenge and went over and did it and now they are progressing and moving forward in a way we never would have thought possible. Bishops truly have a mantle and are called to preside over their ward area and can get the work done where we cannot.

Also, a lot of doors have been opening for us lately. We have managed to catch a great many of our referrals at home and for the past week, their hearts have been a lot softer and they have allowed us to share something with them so that they could feel the Spirit. We should be picking up several new families soon from that and we are so excited!

Whitney Snell and Ben Boss, both 9 year olds are getting baptized this Saturday and we are so excited for them! It is a great way to end this transfer and to keep moving forward with the work here in this area.

The less actives that we work with are also starting to pick up the pace a bit and progress in the right direction. They are willilng to keep changing and keep working unil everything is ready that needs to be and they can get to the temple again or for the first time, whatever the case may be.

Oh, I am getting comments now from some of the families in my area that they googled my name and found the blog. But the blog hasn't been updated since April and they weren't to happy about that. I know you are busy Mom, but if you could update that, apparently people are really trying to read it and enjoy it.

Also, I am finally buying stamps today! I keep forgetting too, but today should be good, I promise!

Well, I love you all and pray for you all. Even if I have been terrible recently at writing letters, I still love you guys and want you all to be happy, healthy, and strong in the gospel!
Elder Hughes

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