Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Good morning everybody!
This past week has been really great! Not so much with finding investigators but with finding prepared less actives from the less active lists our bishops has finally been giving us. Lots of people who accepted the challenge to start working towards the Melchizedek prieshtood or towards being sealed in the temple. I am so excited!!! The weather us here has been phenomenal with a very, very warm Fall. The leaves are starting to all change colors and that just fascinates me to no end. I have decided Fall might be my favorite season because of all the beauty that it brings. Plus all the food we are getting out of people's gardens. Utah is garden crazy and everyone has tons of tomoatoes, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, green beans, potatoes, etc. We have gotten bags and bags full of the most delicious fresh produce and I have to say we have been very blessed by it. They totally beat anything that you could buy at the store. Actually picking pumpkins from a pumpkin patch is a ton better as well and we really enjoyed it! Everyone is getting their Halloween/Fall decorations out as well and they all look amazing. Tons of fun. The moutain tops are randomly covered in snow though and so the winter season isn't too far off. Hopefully you got the letter and the tile that I sent. Hopefully the tile didn't break, but the shipping options were limited. In other news, I have had EVERYONE (and I mean everyone) comment about how long I have been here and how impossible that should be, every member at church on Sunday walked up to me and let me know that. They call me the forgotten missionary, but are grateful that I have been "forgotten", haha. So now I have a working camera, I am going to start taking a lot more pictures - like of the house, the car, the people we teach, etc. But for now I don't have anything new going that direction. The people that I have taught these past few months have now all made me promise to never forget them and to keep in touch with them for the rest of forever. They all want me to come visit and do fun things with them when I am back at BYU. I could probably even get free housing from some of the people, but it is just too far away from Provo up here in Riverton/Draper.

Let's see what all has happened to the people we teach. We started to visit with the Davis family in the 5th ward. They just don't know how to be active, both grew up in less active families and so are currently less active. Both have strong testimonies though and want to go to the temple. They are only in their early 20's, so they are about our age and they are so much fun to teach because they are willing to change and to learn. They have a love and an enthusiasm for the gospel, that is rarely seen and are excited to start living actively.

The McGee family had a miracle occur. We have been teaching them on and off since March at least. But they keep going in the "pride cycle" in their lives. Live the commandments, get blessed, forget God, stop living the commandments, lose the blessings, come back. They didn't seem to get the fact that they were caught in this vicious cycle until a few weeks ago, so we challenged the dad to work towards the Mechezidek priesthood, then the next day the bishop visited (unbeknownest to us) and challenged them to be worthy for the temple in March. Both were very shocked and shaken, but felt that the timing is now or never to get their family sealed. So when we had an appointment with them, the Spirit was finally there and it made all the difference! We had a lesson about tithing which was just what the bishop had talked to them about, again we had no idea. They were both feeling the Spirit so much that they bore their testimony and agreed to pay titihing to start turning over a new leaf. We also finally got her issue addressed with a modern prophet and she accepted what we taught! I am so excited for them and for the progress that they are finally making. They thanked us too for our dedication on trying to keep working and the difference it has made in their lives.

The Nay family is still going strong and has their sights set on the temple as well. They are so happy and excited, the Spirit is truly radiated from them! The Knudsons are doing well too, the bishop challenged Tony to 3 months until the Melchizedek priesthood and he accepted. The countdown starts on tomorrow and then 3 months later, he should be good to go. He has promised to give up all cigarrettes and alchohol and we will see what happens.

Raymond is ready for his baptism this weekend and so is Candy. Both are very excited and are loving the gospel. Their countenances have changed a lot as well. Both are also counting down the days to enter into the temple and to make that next step in their lives. The baptism should be very interesting this weekend, all of his very Catholic family will be in attendance. And although they have promised to be cordial, they are very set against Raymond joining the church. I know the Spirit will be there though and it will touch their hearts if they are open to it.

Tina Reese is not committed enough to live the Word of Wisdom and doesn't feel like she can get that way. She knows the church is true and that she needs to change and do those things, but it hasn't happened yet. We keep trying to build her faith and testimony. We keep praying for her to have a change of heart, a complete change. She is only halfway there right now. But the ward is not giving up on her and is holding on to her with all their might. Her kids are ready to go and are just waiting for her.

Well, time is out for today. Sorry I didn't get to write as much but I love you all! Keep up living righteously and doing the right thing!
Elder Hughes

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