Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am sorry this is part of the same email didn't copy and paste whole thing starts where preivous ones ends

How cool is that? I am praying that both people will continue to grow in faith and in their testimonies and will be able to get taught and be baptized! It was just awesome to do missionary work, even just over the phone. That night we had a devotional given by Elder Rasband of the presidency of the 70 and it was great! It was kind of all over the place, but ultra-spiritual and uplifting. The part that hit me the hardest was the closing song "ABide With Me". I felt God's love and approval for me and for what I was doing. It was a tangible feeling that encompassed me and made me feel like someone was actually there giving me a huge hug. I don't know how else to describe it. It was just a miracle and one of the best experiences that I have ever had. I know that we can all feel the same and that Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us! He is there for us always! I promise!

Wednesday, really quick because I am running out of time! We got to pilot a new program that the MTC is creating for the first four days that missionaries are here at the MTC. Nathan is going to have the most spiritually amazing time with what they are preparing! It is going to be fantastic! It was an amazing experience all about the different people all over the world and God's love for them and His desire for them to hear His gospel. Whenever they debut it, it will be amazing and a great orientation to the mission field.

Well, that is pretty much it for this week. Please send me letters and Dear Elders - I love to hear from you all and get updates about what is going on! Hopefully, you all love to hear back from me and I don't bore you or anything. I know that this gospel is true and that the Lord is blessing me and preparing me to enter the field in a very short amount of time! Thank you all for your prayers and support - they mean so much to me and I know those prayers are answered because of how I have been progressing here at the MTC and the Spirit that I always feel!
Lots of love,
Elder Ryan Leroy Hughes

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