Thursday, November 5, 2009

Happy November everybody!!!
It is so hard to beleive it is already November - only about a month and a week left here at the MTC before I leave! I hope that I will be ready by then, I am going to need all the Lord's help I can get in the language (that is for sure). Thank you everyone for the letters - I got a ton this week and it is very appreciated! I am about done writing those and sending them off, I just have one more to write. I hope that everyone is happy and healthy and loving and enjoying life like I am!!!

Ok so this is what happened this week as far as I can remember because I forgot my journal back at the bad.

Last Friday we taught the second lesson in Mongolian and the Lord completely and totally helped. I would not have been able to say half the things I said without His help, the sentences came to me and the correct grammar and vocab and everything was there. What a great blessing that is! The Lord will truly help us while we are on His work and errand. We just have to remain worthy and pray for that gift and then listen as the Spirit prompts us. I love being able to feel the Spirit so strongly in Mongolian as well as English - it happens more and more now and it helps to strengthen me everytime. We were able to teach the entire lesson and fill up the time slot perfectly, down to the second. We ended with prayer and commitments just as our time ran out and we were beeped to exit the room. That was something else that I had been praying for and it was answered - to be able to use the whole time in teaching and answering questions. Friday was amazing!

Saturday is service day! Hooray for that! We just did chicken cordon bleu this week - so no exciting hunks of meat to season or million chicken breasts to marinate. Just taken frozen preprepared things out of packages and loading them onto pans - we did get 129 boxes done with about 40ish chicken cordon bleus in each box, so we work fast! Then we started cranking out our third lesson outlines which is all about Christ's gospel. There is so much to teach in it and to get the investigators to understand! We also started translating that self-same day so we could write more involved, in-depth sentences.

Sunday was great - it was fast Sunday! We fasted as a district with all the missionaries in Mongolia and the ones currently postponed elsewhere in the U.S. that the visas will come through. That the people currently out in the U.S. will get to go to Monoglia as soon as possible adn that our visas will be able to reach us here while we are at the MTC. With that many people fasting, I am sure a miracle will happen. And if not, I know the Lord is in control and I will be delayed to an area that I am supposed to teach in for a little while, to touch the people there. We still have no word about the visas, but the church attornies are there now in Mongolia working with the government to get them processed and sent to us as fast as possible. It was great on Sunday to hear the testimonies of all those that were leaving - all the Indonesian elders and sisters were leaving and a lot of them were able to get up and bear their testimonies. I know that they will be great missionaries and the Lord will bless them to find and teach the people there that are ready to receive the gospel! Our branch is really empty now because the St. Loius and California people left too - so there is only us Mongolians, and some elders going to Hawaii and Texas. Sunday night we had a great fireside from the executive secretary and his wife here. They are some of the most energetic and humorous people I have ever heard speak! I have never heard someone talk as fast as she did! It was all about the need for gratitude in our lives. We will be so much happier if we recognize how much the Lord has truly blessed us with already - families, friends, the Spirit, learning a language, whatever. Just looking back physically writing down and counting those blessing will enable us to see how much the Lord really does love us and wants us to be happy. And how truly blessed and privileged we all are. We were challened to give a prayer of all gratitude and I did that later that night and it showed me in great depth and detail about how much the Lord has truly done for me and how much He will continue to do for me as I remain faithful and work my hardest here in the mission!

Monday was translation crazy day. I got about half of my third lesson translated and we worked a lot on grammar principles in Mongolian and vocabularly. There is so much to learn! Sometimes, I am a little jealous at the people learning Spanish and French - because I can understand about half of what they are saying without much previous background (except for two year of high school Spanish, but that didn't really do much). But I know the Lord knows that I can do it and He has prepared me to serve a mission in Mongolia and will bless with me with help in the language as I work at it and ask for it. I will get there eventually. Then by the time I get home, I will just have trouble speaking English - two of our teachers do because they just got back a couple months ago and their grammar is always off in English and they forget words in English but can say it in Mongolian - so I know it is possible to fluently speak and understand the language and I pray everday that the Lord will bless me with that gift!

Tuesday was amazing! Simply amazing and wonderful and awesome! The RC that day was the best ever! I got to call two different people who are excited about the gospel and who have met with the missionaries and are excited to remeet with them again as soon as possible! Bearing my testimony to them and listening to them bear theirs even after one lesson (they were so strong!) was a great blessing and made me so happy - like bursting with joy happy, that Ammon hints at in Alma 36. One lady was in Florida who right now is working all the time as a nurse and is just waiting for her next day off to be able to meet with the missionaries - she is reading and praying and wants to learn more. I bore my testimony to her and told her that I would pray for her to get a day off as soon as possible so she could receive the word. She was so excited! The other person was a blind man who heard the missionaries about 4 or 5 months ago and then had to move. He is anxious to meet with them again though and so I pushed the button that to send the missionaries to his house as soon as they can get there. He is super excited to learn more about the gospel as well - and he bore testimony to me that he felt the truth of the Joseph Smith story

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