Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hey everybody!So so much happened this week and there is only a half hour to write it, so I am not sure how that is going to work out but I will just get started doing it and see what happens.Alright, so last Friday we taught the Word of Wisdom in Monoglian as part of a review of the second lesson type of set up. And we actually taught with the utmost help of the Holy Ghost well enough that the investigators there could feel the Spirit and were moved by it! It felt great! It was amazing! I hope to be able to replicate that feeling everytime I teach in Mongolian from now on - it just takes a whole lot of focus and trying my very best and being as sincere as I can be with all the confidence I can muster and then God comes in and takes care of the rest (and that is alot) and makes it so that my lesson can be understood and so that the Spirit can be there to teach and edify both sides. So that is my goal from now on here at the MTC and when I eventually get to Mongolia, whenever that may be. No idea about that as of yet. Saturday was a day spend trying to start learning all the Law of Chastity vocabularly and how to teach it. Time is so busy now that we teach absolutely no lessons in English anymore. It is fun, but it takes a lot of work and giving everything I can to be able to get anywhere. We teach Law of Chastity tomorrow to whoever shows up or maybe to our teachers if no one volunteers because of the holiday weekend. We will just see what has to happen. Hopefully, there will be a good number of people there and we can be able to teach them again and to answer all of their questions, that is one of the hardest things. Trying to understand what they are asking and then formulating an answer. But I just give it my best and keep praying always for help and the answer is given to me what to say for that situation or instance and I am so grateful for that! Everytime! Sunday was our first official day as zone leaders and wow, responsibilities increase a hundred fold. We have to plan out Sacrament meetings and get prayers and conducting and sacrament and playing piano all assigned. We have to teach an ordination out of the white handbook durning priesthood to all the elders in our zone. Then we have meetings all day long it feels like. They are good meetings and I learn a lot - they just take up all day! It feels like I am back to being priest quorum frist assistant and being at meetings all day then, except there are even more here now. But it is all good and the Spirit is always there so strong that all of them are just amazing. I pray to be able to be the best zone leader that I can be, that I may be able to accomplish all my assignments and duties and be able to delegate those that I am supposed to. I have to start interviews tonight of district leaders and I have never conducted interviews before. So I have been praying hard about that and I hope all goes the way it is supposed to there. Monday was the start of Thanksgiving weekend or so it felt like to me. I started to really think of how blessed I truly am and to see all the great things that God has done for me. And trust me, they are too much to even mention, as soon as you start counting and start thinking a whole giant list just flows into your head and you can keep going and going and going. Then when you offer up a prayer of gratitude later that night it just goes on and on and on, hopefully Heavenly Father never gets tired of hearing the things I am thankful for because it lasts a very, very long time and the list goes on for a crazy long amount. So just a challenge to everyone this week: think of all the things you are grateful for and list them off, write them down and you will be truly suprised at all the Lord has bless ed you with. You will have things come to your mind that you didn't even think of and you will have an enormous feeling of gratitude and peace and joy at all the things that Heavenly Father has blessed you with. Tuesday was devotional day and Elder Dallin H. Oaks and his wife came to talk to us! Way cool! They had tons of awesome quotes and wisdom to offer. He had lists and lists of different things that just made sense and were great to listen to. For example, there was a list of the things we must work towards our whole lives - three things. First, we must recognize, then we must achieve, and then we must become. He put this in terms of missionary service - first we must realize that we have been called as missionaries and come to understand what that really means and what we are supposed to do. Then, we go out and achieve what missionaries are supposed to do by teaching lessons, giving talks, contacting people, etc. Finally, we strive our whole missions to become the missionaries that our Heavenly Father wants us to be. The perfect missionaries that He could use for whatever He wants. Since none of us can become perfect, we strive everyday to be better and better and works towards becoming that missionary for the Lord. Although Elder Oaks said this about missionary work, I think it could apply to just about any chuch calling or to us being the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. We aren't quite the perfect sons and daughters we need to become yet, but everyday we strive to become better and better so that we can reach that full potential that He has for us and be able to become like Him and live with Him and our families forever and ever in peace and joy. That is something that I have really come to make my ultimate eternal goal here at the MTC. I mean I have always thought before about it, but here it has sunk really deep into my heart exactly what that would mean and the joy and blessings that would come from living a celestial life and be able to live with our Heavenly Father again and our families forever. And I want that more than I have ever wanted anything before in my whole life. I want it for myself, and all my family, and my friends, and for those people of Mongolia (or those in the U.S. I get temporarily reassigned to). I want it so bad for them and me! Anyway, time is fastly running out so Wednesday. Elder Sessions and I taught our first lesson to a "progressing invesigator". We are teaching Bro. Cannon who is acting as a Mongolain investigator that he had on his mission with the same thoughts, concerns, motivations, etc. It is 100% completely in Mongolian with no English help whatsoever but I have never taught a lesson with the Spirit's help, guidance, and it actually being the teacher that good before. We were able to get to know him, to ask him questions, and to teach him the first lesson of the restoration of the gospel here on the earth. Then we were able to commit him to attend church on Sunday and to meet with him again on Friday. We also gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon in Mongolian and challenged him to read the introduction with his family and the first few chapters of Nephi and to pray about it to see if they were true. He was really excited about going to church. The reading and praying not so much. So we will just have to check up with him again tomorrow when we go back to teach him again. I know that he is just a "fake" investigator but if this is how teaching people the gospel really feels and the joy it brings and the understanding both the investigator and the teacher gain from it - then it is the best thing I have ever done so far in the world! Missionary work is the best and I am so excited to go back and teach again tomorrow! Maybe, exhilirated is a better word. I am just pumped!Ok, five minutes left. So onto today. It is Thanksgiving and as such we have no P-day. But tons of awesome meetings and service stuff (and good food - pie and turkey and stuffing :) and just some limited MDT (missionary direct time) to be able to emial home. Elder Jefferey R. Holland come to the devotional this morning with his wife. His wife bore the strongest testimony I have ever heard about exactly who we are and how much we truly mean to our Heavenly Father. How His hands have guided and shaped and molded our lives and how if we follow Him, He will continue to do so until we can become like He is. Way awesome testimony. Elder Holland just did a question and answer session with some really tough gospel questions and the church's true stance on them and what he knows how to say using the scriptures and his testimony as an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. There were a lot of good questions and he had an amazing scripture story or example to answer them.Well, I am almost out of time so I must go or this email will never get sent and I can only imagine how Mom would feel then!So I love you all tons and remember to be grateful in all things!

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