Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Return

Dang. So I just had something pretty amazing written and now it all disappeared. Even after hitting the save button and everything. Now I get to start over, yay! NOT. Oh well. Here goes...

I know I haven't written on this blog for a very long time, too long. I guess in my mind it will always only be the blog that I use when I am a student up at BYU. It is my chance to release each and every week and to keep a good record of everything that has been going on. I definitely fail at keeping a journal so this is the one chance that I got to record things or to help myself remember them. I don't know if anyone will ever look at these again or not, but at least it is worth it for my own personal sanity.

That being said I should start posting something worthwhile. I absolutely loved every minute of my mission. As you can hopefully tell by the other blog that was created by my family while I was out in the field. I would never have given those two years for anything else. Ever. The amazing people that I met and worked with both member and nonmember, active and not so much are now such great friends. The most important friend that I truly made though was my Savior, Jesus Christ. I got home from my mission in October and since then my life has been a whirlwind. Time decided to switch into mega warp speed (not just even warp speed, but mega) and I can't seem to catch up with any of it. I was truly blessed at my homecoming to have such great friends that came down from BYU to see me and hear me give it. Unfortunately, I proved to be the same old me. I tore ligaments in my ankle while playing ultimate frisbee and ended up having to wear a big black boot for about a month and a half. I never would have went in to have it checked out though if my mother had not insisted. I would have kept living life like normal with just more pain and problems. Three days after getting that boot off, I managed to do my knee in while playing Just Dance. How dumb is that? Another very me thing to do each and every time. Anyway, life is good. I had a great Christmas with my family and an amazing job to boot. I hung out with lots of friends and had a lot of fun and got a lot of things done. Then Lora and I drove up here. Oh, I almost forgot. Of course I hit up all the amazing Mesa restaurants that are nowhere else like Tia Rosa's, Crackers and Co., Oregano's, and Floridino's. So good! But not as good as Mom's cooking, I missed that so much for two years and I am already missing it again!!!

So far I have loved being back at BYU. Overwhelming? Yes! Stressed? Yes! Exhausted? Yes! But loving it. I miss my family though, I really love them so much. They are the most important thing to me in this world and I will forever more cherish the time I get to spend with them during breaks or vacations or whatever else happens. I will never take that for granted again. I have been blessed to have some pretty amazing roommates. My room roommate is probably the best ever! He is the son of a mission president who is serving in Texas and just got back from his own mission about three weeks ago from Georgia. He is the most outgoing person I have ever met. He talks to everyone and never stops serving other people. I am going to be learning a lot from him about the kind of person that I want to become and that I really need to be. He is one of the most Christlike people that I have ever met. Collin is another roommate, he is the only one that is still living here from last semester. He is way into music and is very intelligent. He likes snowboarding and graduated early from high school. He seems way chill and he likes to have fun. Clay finishes out the apartment. He is a major Lakers fan (but he can be forgiven for that) and likes to have fun as well. It is turning out to be a much better combination that I was hoping for having completely random roommates. Interesting fact: I am the only non-Californian in the room. They all actually know all the same suburbs and stuff, so that's cool. Collin and I got the projector and speakers set up already so that will be super fun. We will have to find excuses to use them and to invite lots of people over to have fun with them. We also have a very large assortment of board and card games to play. Also, a very huge fake Christmas tree with colored lights and pinecones. The tree belongs to someone who actually moved out of here but doesn't have anywhere to put it yet, but we will definitely keep it for the time being. It adds a certain cool element to our apartment. We finally cleaned out the nasty fridge as well and everything feels so clean and good now. Much better. Lora and her roommates are way fun. So are all the friends that I still have from Mesa that are up here or those from freshman year. We have already had a plethora of game nights (from Quelf to He said, she said), birthday parties, decorating someone's car, a DI trip, studying, classes, grocery trips, a snow fight and so much more. Life is good that way. And fun. Tonight was my first dessert night, it wasn't bad. But I felt out of my element, too many people going too crazy. I can do good with small groups, not humongous ones. Oh well, I will keep working on it and see what happens. I am so tired so I think I will turn in for today and leave this as my first post. Hopefully next week, I can start taking pictures, getting quotes and all those other good stuff!